We deliver great florist fresh Flowers in Great Harwood, superlatively speaking.


When you talk about superlatives, 'Great' has to be right up there, so when our florist shop was asked to deliver flowers locally to Great Harwood, with the request that they must be 'amazing' and 'simply' must be there within the hour, to my Mother who lives in Great Harwood, we immediately 'ROSE' (ha ha!!) to the challenge.


 As requested our florist gathered a 'gorgeous selection of scented flowers and crafted them into an inspired, exquisite bouquet' that we promptly delivered to her Mother within the hour, phew!!!!....


Mum gushed they're 'Great' which must mean that we deliver 'Great' flowers to 'Great' Harwood..

'it made me smile' .. 

Opening Times

Monday: 9am to 2pm
Tuesday: 9am to 2pm
Wednesday: 9am to 12pm
Thursday: 9am to 4pm
Friday: 9am to 4pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
Sunday: Picking Daisies

Our Address

Open All Flowers
187 Whalley Road,
Nr Accrington,

01254 390 829

Customer Support